WIPO Data Shows Active PCT Filings by Chinese Innovators

Data released by WIPO on March the 19th shows that Chinese innovators are actively filing PCT patent applications, with 53.345 PCT applications filed by Chinese applicants in the year of 2018, ranking 2nd in the world closely following US. There are 7 Chinese enterprises in the top 50 PCT filers, and 10 Chinese universities in the top 50 educational institution filers. BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. ranked the seventh with 1,813 PCT patent applications, becoming the third Chinese companies in the top 10 Filers together with Huawei and ZTE. The number of PCT patent applications of OPPO increased from 474 in 2017 to 1,042 in 2018, ranking 他the 17th.



[Source]: China Intellectual Property Report

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